
Showing posts from March, 2016


Jeremy is always running or jumping or climbing. When he’s outside, it’s fine. But when he’s inside racing from the kitchen to the dining room to the family room over and over again, it drives his Mom crazy. Especially when she’s trying to get some work done.   Why can’t he just sit still? Does he need to spend so much time running around? The answer is yes; it’s his nature. He needs to move. It turns on his brain. When he’s not active, three-quarters of his brain shuts down. It’s not like that with girls. When their bodies are still, 90 percent of their brains stay active.  That’s why it’s often difficult for boys to sit and listen. They fidget. They don’t pay attention. When he’s moving, his brain is alert. And that’s important to learning So it’s important to give your boy enough time and space to move around and expend his boundless energy. Make sure he gets lots of outdoor play. When he’s inside or the weather is bad, find a special place or activities that allow him